校友 Spotlight - 比利·b·j·赖特99年/ 16年的


eNews 校友 Spotlight highlights alumni who give back to Frostburg in some way – time, 人才, 宝藏或任何组合. This edition of eNews will feature federal law enforcement officer 比利·b·j·赖特99年/ 16年的 (现任博士生).

当前城市: 坎伯兰博士.

目前的职业: Federal law enforcement officer/drug treatment specialist with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, U.S. 律政司. Also serve as a recruitment outreach 程序 coordinator within the agency’s Affirmative 就业 Program. 


I love FSU because the University welcomed me with open arms on various occasions. As an undergraduate, I felt unprepared for college. FSU, as a whole, made me feel welcomed and appreciated. As an undergraduate student, I served as an infantry reconnaissance scout with the U.S. 海军陆战队预备队. FSU welcomed me as a military veteran and supported my military service and my transitioning needs as a student veteran. 作为研究生和博士生, FSU continued to welcome me as a non-traditional student, as well as a student veteran receiving veterans education benefits. I have always felt appreciated and welcomed at FSU.

Why do you give back (time, 人才 and/or treasure) to FSU?

I give back to FSU because I believe in continuing education, and I believe FSU is a leader within higher education. Each year, FSU continues to amaze me with new 程序s, opportunities and resources for students.  


为了好玩, I spend time with my family and participate in a variety of community service and fraternal activities. 目前,我是一个加油爸爸. My daughter, Aisa, is a varsity cheerleader at Allegany High School. I have a beautiful wife, Jennifer, of 14 years, and a 20-year-old son, Alex. My daughter and I attend a mission trip to the Ihanktonwan Lakota Sioux Reservation each summer, where we teach classes to disadvantaged Native American youth. I also enjoy the fraternal brotherhood of Freemasonry and serve as lodge secretary of East Gate Lodge No. 216, A.F & A.M., and assistant director of Works with the Cumberland Scottish Rite. I also enjoy teaching self-defense and being a lifelong martial artist. 

Tell us about a class or activity at FSU that has had a surprising effect on your life.

The activity that had a surprising effect on me was serving as a VA work-study student with FSU’s 退伍军人服务 from 1995-1999. I gained a greater understanding of veterans educational benefits and opportunities, and I was afforded the great opportunity to work with military veterans, student veterans and veterans who were interested in utilizing their veterans educational benefits.

What is your favorite memory of your time as a Frostburg student?

My favorite memory as an FSU student would be hanging out with my college roommate, Greg Hughes. We were roommates in Frederick Hall for three years and rarely, if ever, had a disagreement. 当他打山猫队的时候, I worked part-time jobs and served as president of the FSU Martial Arts Club. 澳门十大赌城官方网站还加入了不同的兄弟会. Greg joined Phi Kappa Tau and I joined Delta Beta Chi. We still keep in contact today and get together often.


A cause dear to my heart is supporting our military veterans, especially student veterans. My father, grandfather and uncle were all 军队 veterans. Many of my friends and in-laws are also veterans of the Navy, 军队, 海军陆战队, 空军或海岸警卫队. Inspired by these men and women, I joined the Marine Corps in 1995 to serve and protect my country. Many service men and women return home with transitioning needs and service-connected disabilities. I feel it is our duty to honor and care for our military veterans, especially those in need of transitional supports and health care needs.

Tell us about a person or persons from FSU who had an impact on your life.

There are several individuals who had a tremendous impact on me while a student at FSU. 帕特Deasy, retired FSU counselor and director of 退伍军人服务, 支持我读本科, role-modeled professional behaviors and took the time to teach me about veterans educational benefits and services available to student veterans. Dr. 威廉·米勒,1968年, 教育专业署, served as my graduate advisor and supported me throughout my graduate studies. 我要感谢 丹尼尔Dabrowski, director of 退伍军人服务; Student Veterans of America; and the VA work-study students for their continued support and encouragement. I have also been greatly impacted by the doctoral students of cohort 2016 and the professors within the FSU’s Ed.D. 程序.


My favorite comfort food is a peanut butter and apple butter sandwich on Italian bread, 有时还有左宗棠鸡.


My favorite vacation spot is the beach, any beach where I can spend time with family and friends.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Professionally, I would like to pursue executive service within the U.S. 美国司法部.S. 美国退伍军人事务部.S. 教育部. 我的目标是完成Ed.D. 程序 at FSU and apply for the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) 程序 in 2019.